Engaging the Client

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Engaging the Client

We are able to maintain high productivity levels in the development process, consistent on-schedule delivery and exceptionally high levels of client satisfaction.

  • Clients receive frequent "early looks" at applications as specifications are translated into deliverables in compressed timeframes. Using quick prototyping, we work closely with clients to avoid expensive and time-consuming post-release rewrites.
  • Our programmers quickly develop major features, called "stories", by making preliminary design decisions, collaborating with the client, and learning from information gained in the initial documentation of the project. The client is closely involved with our technical personnel while stories are created, cycled, tested, and new stories are added in an on-going process.
  • Our development staff has diverse skills, technical certifications, and extensive application development experience using a variety of methodologies. They are adept at using most well known programming languages as well as multiple operating systems, databases and middleware components.
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