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Concurrent succeeds through long-term client relationships. The following awards have been issued to Concurrent Technologies:

  • CT has been recognized twice in recent years as one of its outstanding vendors.
  • Concurrent won a “Product of the Year” award from TMC’s Customer Interaction Solutions magazine, a leading publication covering CRM, call centers and tele-services.
  • Concurrent received an “Integrity Ready Partner” award in recognition of its long-standing working relationship with HP.

Concurrent Technologies (CT) is a leading provider of innovative, hosted IT services including Web-based solutions for business intelligence, work process management and CRM. More >
Concurrent Technologies has pioneered the delivery of managed IT services since 1986. From outsourcing, to innovative e-business capabilities, to managed, cloud computing/SaaS offerings, Concurrent maintains an unrelenting focus on results-driven, IT solutions that drive enterprise performance. More >
As one of the first companies to pioneer a cloud computing/SaaS approach to the delivery of critical enterprise applications, Concurrent Technologies has the experience that enables us to succeed where other, less experienced SaaS providers often fail. More >
Concurrent Technologies has the resources needed to support a range of enterprise IT needs. More >